Category: Music

I have been listening and following RedIceCreations for about four years now and thought that I should repost an advert for it, for those who have not heard about or come across it yet. There really is no better online station out there for providing you with alternative radio and I highly recommend that you drop in, find an interview topic that sounds interesting and give it a listen.

Billy Corgan, founder and frontman for the rock band The Smashing Pumpkins, talks frankly about the music business, the role of the musician in society, the ever mutating left-right paradigm, the Occupy Wall Street movement, and the indisputable spiritual awakening that threatens a mass awakening that will take down the globalist agenda.

I came across Kalai several years ago and at the time, ranted on as to how I thought he was about to hit the big-time! But.. nothing happened. I can’t help but feel that when you listen to him, there’s something very special there. Unique and powerful.

He’s made all the more interesting by the fact that he has a tumor in his left hand that makes it painful to play. So if you haven’t heard of him before, here’s the man…

Can you imagine?

How d’you find the words..?

Music from the film ‘Into the Wild’ by Eddie Vedder.

IT isn’t going to be easy for Holly Dearden.

The 30-year-old wants to say as little as possible about her seven years as Sir Paul McCartney’s PA, a job she quit in June to concentrate on her music career. But it’s what everyone wants to know. Even her PR company, the team who also handle Macca’s publicity, are pitching her as “Sir Paul McCartney’s former PA”.

“I don’t particularly want to talk about my experiences as Paul’s PA because that’s kind of private,” she says, “And we’re still friends.” Added to that she resisted asking her former boss for a little help.

“I didn’t want him to think that I was doing that job as a way of furthering my music career. I hope he kind of respects I’m trying to do it on my own.”

She launched her album, The Optimist’s Daughter, at Ronnie Scott’s in London last week. “It was really fun, went really well and we had lots of people in,” she says. “I’m crossing my fingers something will come of it.” Macca wasn’t there. “He was on holiday because it was his little girl’s half-term. So I kind of knew he wasn’t going to be there. To be honest with you, I’d have been pretty nervous if he had been there, so I was probably slightly relieved.”

Holly grew up in The Park, then Woodborough, learning to play piano as a child and consuming the music of her parents’ record collection that included The Beatles. After studying American History in Edinburgh she moved to London to try and make it on the gig circuit.

“After a couple of years of temping and gigging and it wasn’t really happening I landed the job working for Paul. It was just a really random twist of fate. I was temping for a financial company and I was really bored and I rang up the agency and said ‘have you anything vaguely creative or interesting?’. They rang me back 24 hours later saying ‘how do you fancy working for Paul McCartney?”

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Have you heard of ‘Sphongle’?

How good is this tune?!!

Tim will be playing at the ARC3 Convention…

To check out his beautiful music, please visit his MySpace page:

Eternal Flame?

I was thinking about some of the aspects that Rik Clay covered in his interview on RedIceCreations, in particular with reference to Diana – Princess of Wales and the ‘eternal flame’. Out of nowhere came the thought of that old Bangle’s song – ‘Eternal Flame’. As usual these days, I try to immediately follow my intuition and so got onto YouTube to have a look at the video.

Right off the bat, the vid starts with a close up of the singer’s eye (all-seeing eye reference?). It then continues throughout the song to encapsulate aspects of sun salutation,  a strong theme of sun and of water, as well as incorporating a resonance of the goddess Isis throughout.

Funny how once you understand the basics of ancient symbolism you see it being used in multiple forms of media, littered through history. If you’re interested in symbolism or would like to know more, check out Michael Tsarion’s ‘The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media’ talk:

For more tunes from the Crow, check out his site: