Tag Archive: Egypt

Episode 1 – The Band of Peace

The Band of Peace raises questions about the purpose of the pyramids challenging the story traditional Egyptology tells. See rare footage of 6 distinct pyramid sites near the Great Pyramid with evidence of superior technology and sophisticated knowledge of physics, astronomy, biology, and cosmology.

Episode 2 – High Level Technology

High Level Technology shows evidence that the ancient Egptians used sophisticated engineering and high science to construct pyramids and temples. Scientists discuss the source of this power and its applications in the ancient world. Our science is just beginning to grasp what the ancients clearly understood long ago.

Episode 3 – Sacred Cosmology

Sacred Cosmology offers a new way of interpreting hieroglyphics and demonstrates that the ancients understood physics, biology, and celestial mechanics. On an expedition through the open desert to a site of extreme antiquity called Nabta Playa, neolithic stone circles mark the motion of the same stars as were tracked in pharonic civilization.

Episode 4 – The Empowered Human

The Empowered Human proposes that the pyramid builders were living in a Golden Age, they had more refined senses, experienced higher levels of consciousness which gave them superior abilities than we have today. The sacred feminine was honored and existed in balance with the sacred masculine.

Episode 5 – A New Chronology

A New Chronology posits, after examining the evidence presented in the series, that the dates given by traditional Egyptology do not fit. Carefully considering cycles of time through the Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Iron Ages of Plato’s Great Year, a new chronology is emerging that illuminates secrets of ancient Egypt.


I hadn’t published or updated this blog for quite a while, as I had been caught up doing other things  for a while. Having got back into listening to RedIceCreations and catching up with all the most recent interviews, I found myself this evening watching this interview below with Freeman. It’s a long one (just under thee and a half hours) but by far and away one of his best. If you are new to conspiracy theories, alternative truth and secret societies, much of this will be new to you and will probably go way over your head but I encourage you to have an open mind and see it through.

Note: I suggest ignoring the first couple of minutes until you actually get to Freeman speaking…


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Source: http://ca.news.yahoo.com/egypt-unplugs-internet-protests-loom-unprecedented-internet-history-20110127-222741-626.html

Date: Fri, 28 Jan 1:52 AM

Egypt unplugs Internet as protests loom; “unprecedented in Internet history”

About a half-hour past midnight Friday morning in Egypt, the Internet went dead.

Almost simultaneously, the handful of companies that pipe the Internet into and out of Egypt went dark as protesters were gearing up for a fresh round of demonstrations calling for the end of President Hosni Mubarak’s nearly 30-year rule, experts said.

Egypt has apparently done what many technologists thought was unthinkable for any country with a major Internet economy: It unplugged itself entirely from the Internet to try and silence dissent.

Experts say it’s unlikely that what’s happened in Egypt could happen in the United States because the U.S. has numerous Internet providers and ways of connecting to the Internet. Coordinating a simultaneous shutdown would be a massive undertaking.

“It can’t happen here,” said Jim Cowie, the chief technology officer and a co-founder of Renesys, a network security firm in Manchester, New Hampshire, that studies Internet disruptions. “How many people would you have to call to shut down the U.S. Internet? Hundreds, thousands maybe? We have enough Internet here that we can have our own Internet. If you cut it off, that leads to a philosophical question: Who got cut off from the Internet, us or the rest of the world?”

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